Nba rudy gay

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Jude Children's Research Hospital, and Gay kicked in another $22,222 of his own money. That resulted in a $5,000 donation from the NBA to the St. As a result of his actions, Gay was awarded the NBA Cares Community Assist Award for March of 2010. Gay donated $20,000 to the program, which raised funds by allowing donors to pledge a set amount of money for each point scored by Gay and other participating NBA players. Jude Children's Research Hospital in Memphis. In 2010, he was named an ambassador for the Hoops for St. Since joining the NBA, Gay has taken part in a number of charitable activities. He was named the Baltimore Sun's co-player of the year, the Washington Post All-Met Basketball Player of the Year, a McDonald's All-American and a Parade first-team All-American. During his senior year, Gay averaged 21.2 points, 9.2 rebounds and 3.7 blocks per game. He played basketball for Spalding for two years, earning first team All-Baltimore Catholic League honors as a junior and senior. Gay attended Eastern Technical High School in Essex, Maryland, for two years before transferring to Archbishop Spalding High School in Severn, Maryland, during his junior year.

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He began playing competitive recreational basketball in his hometown of Baltimore when he was 12 years old. was born in Brooklyn, New York, to Rae and Rudy Sr.

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